A Collection of Collaborative Paintings
on Mythology of the Greek Gods

An extraordinary coming together of professional younger artists and 85 year old Master Artist Hyacinthe Kuller Baron  creating a series of 3’x4’ paintings on canvas that explore the themes of Greek Mythologies and relevance to modern society.


Exciting imagery produced as two artists collaborate on one painting and explore further possibilities when they give up individualistic concepts and arrive at an expanded view of their subjects and the limitations of their individual stylistic renderings.

Contact Hyacinthe to inquire about the collection.

QUEEN OF THE SEA and FALLEN ANGELS – 36″x48″ Mixed Media on Canvas

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Thetis, wife of King Poseidon reaching out from the waves to Angelic figures above. 

STEFAN TALIAN and Hyacinthe Baron

PEGASUS and MEDUSA – 36″x48″ Mixed Media on Canvas

The Nymph astride the famed flying horse is blindfolded while holding the bloody tentacle head of the Gorgon Medusa from which sprang the Pegasus.

STEFAN TALIAN and Hyacinthe Baron

ZEUS and PERSEUS with Wood Nymphs – 36″x48″ Mixed Media on Canvas

Naughty antics surround the God and his son.

PATRIC STILLMAN and Hyacinthe Baron

THE THREE GRACES – 36″x48″ Mixed Media on Canvas

The daughters of Zeus who brought gifts of beauty, charm, creativity, apples, roses, berries to humanity.

LEAH SARAH BASSETT and Hyacinthe Baron

NIKE THE WINGED VICTORY – 36″x48″ Mixed Media on Canvas

The Goddess celebrates her feminine victory  and the artist’s defeat of concurring cancer. Mercury looks on anxious to spread the word of the courage of women.

HOLLY JANE SUTOR and Hyacinthe Baron

APOLLO AND HYCINTHUS – 36″x48″ Mixed Media on Canvas

Three D sculpted head of Apollo, modeled by Stefan, looks away from his dead lover’s body cradled in his lap after Apollo accidentally caused the young man’s death. The moon illuminates their last kiss.

STEFAN TALIAN and Hyacinthe Baron

APOLLO AND APHRODITE – 36″x48″ Mixed Media on Canvas

A 3 dimensional rendering the Twins started by Hyacinthe and completed by Patric. Example of two mature artists coming together which expands the visions of both.

PATRIC STILLMAN and Hyacinthe Baron

ATHENA AND PEGASUS  – 20″x30″ Oil on Canvas

The spirit of Athena looks on Pegasus while other spirits look on among the clouds.


ICARUS – 24″x48″ Oil on Canvas

ICARUS, the son of Daedalus was warned by his father not to fly to close to the sun with wings made of wax and feathers as the two escape from their prison tower.



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